I was not connected with my spiritual side
April 29, 2017
Before I met you, I was not connected with my spiritual side, I just wasn't a believer - I simply wasn't into it. but after we met and you had told me so many things that would support me through my spiritual process, many things came true and I changed my views.
You are not only a spiritual guide, you are truly a unique and magnificent person!I genuinely feel that Ortal and I are sharing our happiness together because of you! i could write a book it wouldn’t be enough to describe how much we owe to you
Only your support and guidance helped me
February 09, 2017
Dear Ilanit
Last year, I was in a crossroads in my life. Only your support and guidance helped me and now I’m in a much better place.
Ortal and I want to meet you in person, face to face, in order to give you our wedding invitation! it will be on August 16 2016
Just tell me where and when to meet and will happily come.
The effort will be nothing compared to the miracle you brought into our lives - I want to thank you for everything from the bottom of my heart!

I was a desperate 40 years old single girl
January 02, 2017
Dear Ilanit
I was a desperate 40 years old single girl and couldn’t understand why of all women I new, I was alone! Why did they all find their Saul-mates and not me? I had reached the top of the ladder In my career, but in love, I had failed in one relationship after another and I was falling apart.
Just before my 40th birthday, I arranged to meet Ilanit for a private session, To be honest, I didn’t talk much - she read through me like an open book. I ask her to help me because I was rapidly losing faith in myself. I was simply prepared to do anything to not stay alone, I would do anything to not feel the blow of another crush ending-up in nothing and breaking me into little pieces !
It would seem that I was branded as tough, incapable, not good enough, not soft enough - that the train already left the station and that I had missed my chance to meet a guy and build a family. I had been let down by so many, no-one even asked if I needed help and my heart was bleeding, All my close friends were married, one after the other and I was left alone with my loneliness, returning to my empty house that I had built with my own hands.
Ilanit had open a new door of hope and belief with the all mighty that will lead and shine on my path earlier the later. Her warm words lift me up and the Saul mate ring fit perfectly to my small week hand finger.
That meeting with Ilanit opened a new door for me, A door of hope with the belief that the almighty would shine light down on me
Her warm words lifted me and her Saul-mate rind sat perfectly on my little finger
two weeks later, I met a man. He was single and we discover that we wreathe same age, he too had been searching for his special Soul-mate. He explained that he had not been prepared to compromise in his quest to find the perfect partner and now, a week after our meeting, we found ourself sitting In a little coffee shop in Jerusalem, over-looking the Western wall, Suddenly, he noticed the ring that lay so softly on my finger. Then he gently took it and place it on his little finger.
That was the sign for me!
I returned to Ilanit and I felt sure that this was IT. he would be my future husband… And that exactly what happened! Within a month we were engaged and immediately got pregnant. Our beautiful wedding was a small affair celebrated by family and close friend, in front of the wailing wall, Yes, this was the place where we had firs met and it was there that we knew that we were meant for each other!
Ilanit, I want to thank you deeply for all your guidance and support and I want to thank you especially for the Saul-mate ring that made all my wishes come true. Thank you almighty for helping me.
Sometimes we forget our beliefs when the going gets tough.
I love you and prey for all the singles out there to find Saul-mate soon, Amen!
Yours truly, D.

"Here is my soulmate ring story"
December 29, 2016
I'm 33 years old and I've contacted Ilanit to help me find my soulmate for life after many years I've felt stuck with no real and meaningful relationships.
Even when I had been going out for dates, I was always terrified and felt blocked time after time.
I've been in different consultations before I met Ilanit, none of them helped me to overcome my fears.
Two months after I met Ilanit and started to wear the soulmate ring, I went out for a date and it was different for a change, I felt like we really belonged to each other and we are in loving relationship to this day.
I really urge who is looking for soulmate to try this ring, I'm not sure I know to explain how it works but I cannot argue the facts.
Give it a try!
Yael Gilan
My wedding photos attached and I'm on Ilanit video

"I am forever grateful that I got in contact with Ilanit and purchased my soul mate ring."
July 05, 2016
I am forever grateful that I got in contact with Ilanit and purchased my soul mate ring.
Literally less then 5 weeks after I put it on I met my "soul mate".
We were married the following year and now have a beautiful baby.
I am happy to say that I am married to my best friend!
Meredith Melnick

"I don't know how, but it worked"
May 09, 2016
"I never believed in this spiritual ideas, until my mother bought me this ring. Till today I'm not sure whether the ring made the difference or is my attitude that have changed, I just know that I'm happy with my partner to life and future husband for 3 years now".

"I had the privilege to work with you, and to see with my own eyes that it's works! "
March 01, 2016
I had the privilege to work with you, and to see with my own eyes that it's works!
I met those people and I herd a lot of stories about this ring and the magic behind it. Since I know you from close, I know that the magic is in to you and you have the gift. Specially when I saw all those people you've helped.
Tal Ronen Bakal

"Two months after I put the ring on..."
January 26, 2016
"Two months after I put the ring on, I got a phone call from a friend who suggested to introduce me to her colleague. I was skeptical after too many dates that failed me over the years, but I gave it a chance.
To make long story short, we are now expecting our second child".

"This ring is like a wedding bouquet"
January 01, 2016
"Since my brother got married, I got his wife soulmate ring to keep and pay it forward when my time will come.
It is the fourth time this ring is "toughen away" like a wedding bouquet".